Junior Achievement


¡Entérate de lo que está pasando alrededor del mundo!

120 Adolescents Learned to Program in Latin Code Week

During the 2023 edition of the Latin Code Week program, more than 120 students had the opportunity to actively participate.

145 jóvenes desarrollaron habilidades de análisis de datos, una de las claves de los empleos del futuro.

Oracle y Junior Achievement realizaron una nueva edición de Discover Data con Oracle Education Foundation, un desafío que...

Imparables, El Programa de Resiliencia logra sacar a mujeres adolescentes adelante

Program focused on promoting resilience and building a solid life project for 46 women aged between 14 and 17 years...

Bancolombia Foundation supports the financial education of more than 1,500 students.

Thanks to the support and sponsorship of Bancolombia Foundation, Junior Achievement Colombia has trained more than 1,500 students...

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